Please PREVIEW the instructions attached before beginning. You will need to gather the information described in them to complete the survey. If you have already gathered the data, proceed directly to the survey.
Please review the freqently asked questions linked below.
NOTE: You may save your data at any time by clicking SAVE AND RETURN LATER at the bottom of the page. Be sure to copy and save the return code to a safe place, so that you do not have to start over when you return.
Please review your answers when you are finished, then click SUBMIT on last page to submit your survey.
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
Does your facility receive reimbursements from CMS for designated low-volume or rural hospitals as part of one or more of these federally funded programs?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
Specify OTHER CMS or federal program designation:
* must provide value
Date survey was Completed:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Who was the primary person (survey contact) responsible for organizing and completing this survey?:
Survey contact: Telephone
* must provide value
Please list the job titles of all persons who contributed the information that was needed to complete this survey. (Example: NICU Director, DON, Quality Director, etc.) You may enter up to 10 contributors.
S1.1. Hospital data collection START date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
S1.2. Hospital data collection END date:
* must provide value
Today M-D-Y
Data collection END date can't be before data collection START date!
- Data collection START date- - [S1.1]- - Data collection END date- - [S1.2]-
Correct the data collection START or END date.
You now have the option of SKIPPING this section.
Do you wish to skip the Neonatal assessment?
* must provide value
N1. Does your facility provide congenital cardiac surgery for neonates onsite?
* must provide value
N1.1. In the last 12 months, did your facility provide 10 or more congenital cardiac surgeries for neonates?
* must provide value
N2. Does your facility provide complex pediatric subspecialty surgery for neonates other than cardiac surgery onsite? (Capable of surgical repair of complex congenital or acquired conditions)
* must provide value
N2.1. In the last 12 months, did your facility provide 10 or more complex pediatric subspecialty surgeries for neonates other than cardiac surgery?
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
N3.(1-5). What types of neonatal providers does your facility have available for newborn care?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
N3.4.1. Specify OTHER neonatal providers:
* must provide value
N3.1.1. Is a neonatologist always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
N3.2.1. Is a pediatric hospitalist always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
N3.3.1. Is a neonatal nurse practitioner always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
N4. Does your facility have a range of pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists available?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
N4.5.1. Specify OTHER pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists:
* must provide value
N4.1.1. Is a pediatric surgeon always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
N4.2.1. Is a pediatric anesthesiologist always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
N4.3.1. Is a pediatric ophthalmologist always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
N4.4.1. Is a pediatric radiologist always available...
* must provide value
Onsite 24/7
Within 30 minutes
Between 30-60 minutes
More than 60 minutes away
By telemedicine only
By phone consultation only
N5. Does your facility provide advanced (complex) imaging for neonates onsite 24/7 with interpretation available onsite or remotely 24/7 ? (Example: CT, MRI, echocardiography)
* must provide value
N5.1. In the last 12 months, did your facility provide 10 or more advanced imaging procedures for neonates?
* must provide value
N6. Does your facility provide complex ventilation for neonates onsite? (Example: High frequency ventilation, iNO)
* must provide value
N6.1. In the last 12 months, did your facility provide 10 or more complex ventilation procedures for neonates?
* must provide value
N7. Does your facility provide conventional mechanical and/or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) ventilation support for neonates until the infant can be transferred to a higher level facility? (Ventilation for less than 24 hours)
* must provide value
N7.1. In the last 12 months, did your facility provide 10 or more conventional mechanical and/or continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) ventilation support for neonates?
* must provide value
N8. Does your facility receive neonatal transports?
* must provide value
N8.(1-2). What type of neonatal transports do you receive?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
N9. Does your facility coordinate emergency transport for neonates?
* must provide value
N10. Does your facility currently have a neonatal level of care designation?
* must provide value
N10.1. What is your neonatal level of care designation?
* must provide value
N10.1.1. Specify OTHER designation:
* must provide value
N10.2. How is this neonatal level of care designated?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
Not sure
N11.1 Which verification process will your organization be using?
* must provide value
American Academy of Pediatrics
S2.1.1. Number of live born infants (newborns) at your facility
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.1.2. Number of newborn deaths at your facility
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.1.3. Number of high risk newborns transferred out to a facility with a higher level of neonatal care
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S1.1.4. Number of convalescent newborns received from a facility with a higher level of neonatal care
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.2.1. Number of very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns born at your facility. (VLBW = less than 1,500 grams)
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.2.2. Number of very low birth weight (VLBW) newborn deaths at your facility. (VLBW = less than 1,500 grams)
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.2.3. Number of very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns that were transferred out to a facility with a higher level of neonatal care. (VLBW = less than 1,500 grams)
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.2.4. Number of convalescent very low birth weight (VLBW) newborns received from a facility with a higher level of neonatal care. (VLBW = less than 1,500 grams)
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.3.1. Number of live births born at less than 32 weeks gestation at your facility.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.3.2. Number of deaths of newborns born at less than 32 weeks gestation at your facility.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.3.3. Number of newborns born at less than 32 weeks gestation that were transferred out to a facility with a higher level of neonatal care.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S2.3.4. Number of convalescent newborns born at less than 32 weeks gestation received from a facility with a higher level of neonatal care
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
You now have the option of SKIPPING this section.
Do you wish to skip the Maternal assessment?
* must provide value
W1. Does your facility staff an obstetric unit? (Labor and Delivery, LDR, LDRP) NOTE: If "No" is selected, the survey assumes that you do NOT provide obstetric services other than emergency care; and you will be routed to the MATERNAL STATISTICS section of the survey. This answer is appropriate for most children's hospitals, many small rural hospitals and other hospitals who do not specifically staff an obstetric unit.
* must provide value
W1.1. What type of obstetric / maternal care patients does your facility accept?(Low - ex. uncomplicated twins, uncomplicated caesarian, well-controlled gestational diabetesModerate - ex. poorly controlled diabetes or hypertension, placenta previa w/no prior surgery, complicated caesarian deliveryHigh - ex. maternal cardiac disease, placenta percreta, coagulation disorders, respiratory distress requiring ventilator support)
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W2. Does your facility have a formal written plan for the transport of complicated obstetric / maternal patients?
* must provide value
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
W2.(1-3). Does this FORMAL WRITTEN PLAN include...
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W3. Does your facility have medical and / or surgical intensive care units onsite that are available to accept obstetric / maternal care patients?
* must provide value
W3.1. Are adult critical care providers physically present at all times in the ICU(s)?
* must provide value
W3.2. Does a maternal fetal medicine specialist participate in daily rounds with ICU team for obstetric patients in the ICU?
* must provide value
W3.3. Does your facility have an OB intensive care unit onsite that is managed by an MFM ; OR an ICU onsite that is co-managed by a MFM?
* must provide value
Yes, MFM managed OB ICU
Yes, MFM co-managed ICU
W4. Does your facility provide these basic medical support services ?
(Equipment must be readily available and staffed 24/7)
* must provide value
Yes, Laboratory
Yes, Blood bank
Yes, Both
W4.1.1. Does the blood bank have the ability at all times to initiate massive transfusion protocol , with process to obtain more blood and component therapy as needed?
* must provide value
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
W4.(2-9). Does your facility provide these diagnostic imaging services? (Equipment must be onsite and staffed 24/7; interpretation may be onsite or remote)
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W4.2.1 Are interpretation services for limited obstetric ultrasound...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.2.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of limited obstetric ultrasound
* must provide value
W4.3.1 Are interpretation services for standard obstetric ultrasound...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.3.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of standard obstetric ultrasound
* must provide value
W4.4.1 Are interpretation services for non-obstetric ultrasound...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.4.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of non-obstetric ultrasound
* must provide value
W4.5.1 Are interpretation services for maternal echocardiography...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.5.1.1. Specify OTHERavailability of maternal echocardiography
* must provide value
W4.6.1 Are interpretation services for specialized obstetric ultrasound with Doppler studies...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.6.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of specialized obstetric ultrasound with Doppler studies
* must provide value
W4.7.1 Are interpretation services for computed tomography (CT) scan...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.7.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of computed tomography (CT) scan
* must provide value
W4.8.1 Are interpretation services for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.8.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
* must provide value
W4.9.1 Are interpretation services for basic interventional radiology...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times
Readily available on a daily basis
Other availability
W4.9.1.1. Specify OTHER availability of basic interventional radiology
* must provide value
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
W4.(10-12). Does your facility provide these subspecialty surgical services that are readily available at all times for consultation and treatment as needed onsite?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W5. Does your facility have written policies & procedures in place for severe maternal morbidity events?
(Obstetric hemorrhage, hypertensive emergency, etc.)
* must provide value
W5.(1-3). Do these WRITTEN POLICIES & PROCEDURES include...
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W5.3.1.Specify OTHER severe maternal morbidity events :
* must provide value
W5.1.1 Has your staff practiced drills in preparation for obstetric hemorrhage events within the last 12 months?
* must provide value
W5.2.1 Has your staff practiced drills in preparation for obstetric hypertensive emergency events within the last 12 months?
* must provide value
W6. Is every birth attended by a t least one qualified birthing professional (midwife, family physician, or OB-GYN) and an appropriately trained and qualified RN with level-appropriate competencies as demonstrated by nursing competency documentation?
* must provide value
W6.(1-6). What types of obstetric providers does your facility have available to provide maternal care?
* Midwives who meet International Confederation of Midwives standards and who are legally recognized to practice within the jurisdiction of the state.
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W6.6.1. Specify OTHER obstetric provider(s):
* must provide value
W6.1.1. Is an OBSTETRICIAN always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times with full inpatient privileges
Readily available at all times with full inpatient privileges
Available for consultation and assistance or to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W6.1.2. Is the physician obstetric leadership a board-certified or board-eligible obstetrician with experience in obstetric care.
* must provide value
W6.2.Is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist always...
* must provide value
Readily available at all times with inpatient privileges
Readily available at all times for consultation on site, by phone or by telemedicine as needed
Available for consultation, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W6.2.2. Is the director of MFM services a board-certified Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist?
* must provide value
W6.3.1. Is a Family Medicine physician always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times with full inpatient privileges
Readily available at all times with full inpatient privileges
Available for consultation, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W7. Does your facility have a physician with privileges to perform an emergency C-section who is readily available at all times?
* must provide value
W7.(1-3). What type of physician?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W7.3.1. Specify OTHER obstetric provider:
* must provide value
W8. Does your facility have anesthesia providers available for labor analgesia and surgical anesthesia?
(anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, or anesthesiologist assistants working with an anesthesiologists)
* must provide value
W8.1. Does your facility have Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) and/or an Anesthesiologist Assistants working with an Anesthesiologist available for labor analgesia and surgical anesthesia?
* must provide value
W8.1.1. Is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) and/or an Anesthesiologist Assistant always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
W8.2. Does your facility have a physician anesthesiologist available for labor analgesia and surgical anesthesia?
* must provide value
W8.2.1. Is a physician Anesthesiologist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W8.2.2. Is the director of obstetric anesthesia a board-certified physician anesthesiologist with fellowship training or experience in obstetric anesthesia?
* must provide value
W9. Does your facility have a general surgeon available for obstetric patients?
* must provide value
W9.1. Is a General Surgeon always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
W10. Does your facility have OTHER types of board-certified or board-eligible physician specialists/subspecialists that are available for obstetric patients?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W10.10.1. Specify OTHER TYPES of physician specialists / subspecialists:
* must provide value
W10.1.1. Is a cardiologist always..
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.2.1. Is a Hematologist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.3.1. Is an infectious disease specialist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.4.1. Is a nephrologist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.5.1. Is a critical care specialist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.6.1. Is a neurologist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.7.1. Is a behavioral health specialist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.8.1. Is a gastroenterologist always...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W10.9.1. Is a neonatologist always ...
* must provide value
Physically present at all times
Readily available at all times
Available to be onsite, but not 24/7
Available by telemedicine only
Available by phone only
W11. Does your facility currently have a MATERNAL LEVEL of CARE designation?
* must provide value
W11.1. What is your MATERNAL LEVEL of CARE designation?
* must provide value
Birthing center
W11.6.1. Specify OTHER maternal level of care designation:
* must provide value
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
W11.2. How is your MATERNAL LEVEL of CARE designated?
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
W11.2.1. Specify OTHER maternal level of care method:
* must provide value
Birthing center
Not sure
W.12.1 Which verification process will your organization be using?
* must provide value
The Joint Commission
S3.1. Number of pregnant women who were DELIVERED at your facility.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S3.2. Number of postpartum women TRANSPORTED OUT to a higher level of care facility AFTER delivery.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S3.3. Number of women who delivered at your facility that RECEIVED 4 or MORE UNITS of WHOLE BLOOD or PACKED CELLS during their delivery event (not to exceed 24 hours).
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S3.4. Number of women who delivered at your facility that were ADMITTED to an INTENSIVE CARE UNIT (ICU) during their delivery event (not to exceed 24 hours).
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S3.5. Maternal DEATHS prior to discharge.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S4.1. Fetal deaths at 20 to 24 weeks gestation.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S4.2. Fetal deaths at 25 to 28 weeks gestation.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
S4.3. Fetal deaths at MORE THAN 28 weeks gestation.
* must provide value
(Enter zero (0) where there are none)
P1. Does your facility practice DISASTER RESPONSE drills
* must provide value
The option " " can only be selected by itself. Selecting this option will clear your previous selections for this checkbox field. Are you sure?
P1.1.(1-2). Do these drills include...
* must provide value
(Mark all that apply)
END OF SURVEY You have reached the end of the survey. Please REVIEW your answers by cycling back through each question. When you are satisfied with your answers, click SUBMIT. THANK YOU for your time.
Save & Return Later